Pre-release (v1.7) Documentation: Download v1.7, Current Release Docs

1.5 Release Notes

v1.6 backports

in this release

  • (#9821): Handle callout with empty contents in revealjs format properly.
  • (#10573), (#10626): Change command-line arguments to Chrome in remote rendering to avoid crashes with latest version.

in previous releases

  • (#10039): quarto inspect properly handles !expr tag in metadata.
  • (#10188): quarto inspect properly resolves includes across subdirectory boundaries.
  • (#10196): protect against nil values in float.caption_long.
  • (#10295): Fix regression to return error status to shell when CommandError is thrown.
  • (#10358): Fix regression with captioned floats where caption_long field might not exist.
  • (#10395): Fix issue with quarto publish accounts from Cliffy version upgrade.

v1.5 changes

HTML Format

  • (#3178): TOC now correctly expands when web page has no content to scroll to.
  • (#6992): Properly render custom license URLs in HTML page appendix,
  • (#8118): Add support for body-classes to add classes to the document body.
  • (#8311): Correct z-order for margins with no contents
  • (#8862): Properly deal with an aside within a definition list.
  • (#8863): Properly wrap monospace text in definition lists.
  • (#8969): Replace with when using MathJax.
  • (#8990): Copy button now works for embedded code source in modal window when optin-in code-tools feature.
  • (#9076): Fix issue with layout-ncol and column settings in executable code cells.
  • (#9125): Fix issue in browser console with TOC selection when the document is using ids for headers with specific characters (e.g russian language headers).
  • (#9539): Improve SCSS of title blocks to avoid overwide columns in grid layout.
  • Improve accessibility role for aria-expandable elements by ensuring their role supports the aria-expanded attribute.
  • (#9734): Fix issue with unlabeled tables and tbl-cap-location information.

PDF Format

  • (#8299): Don’t use rsvg-convert to convert an SVG to PDF when the PDF is already available; add use-rsvg-convert option to control this behavior.
  • (#8656): Don’t crash on captionless tables in subfloats.
  • (#8684): Improve detection and automatic installation of locale specific hyphenation files.
  • (#8711): Enforce rendering of tables as tabular environments when custom float environments are present.
  • (#8841): Do not parse LaTeX table when crossref label doesn’t start with tbl-.
  • (#9582): Forward column classes and attributes correctly to floats inside divs with column classes.
  • (#9729): Fix performance issue with Lua pattern matching and multiple capture groups.
  • (#9892): Add more line breaks after Pandoc template partial inclusions cf. #7273 to avoid partials themselves requiring additional linebreaks.
  • (#9944): Fix issue with lst- crossrefs, filename attributes, and syntax highlighting.
  • (#10091): Fix regression with fig-align attributes in captionless images.
  • (#10112): Fix regression with column: margin in code cells that emit tables.

RevealJS Format

  • (#8382): Strip whitespace from div.columns elements that might have been introduced by third-party processing.
  • (#8498): Strip whitespace following div.column elements.
  • (#9117): Fix an issue with input filename containing special characters.
  • (#9548): Providing theme at top level when format: revealjs is now probably inserting the right css in the resulting html.
  • (#9560): Code block using filename correctly gets the header background color set.

Docusaurus Format

  • (#8919): Ensure enough backticks in code cell declarations.
  • (#9179): Emit tables that Pandoc would write as HTML as RawBlock elements to ensure they are rendered correctly in Docusaurus.

GFM Format

  • (#8283): Maths are rendered using Mathjax in the HTML preview of a format: gfm document.
  • (#9507): Add support for rendering FloatRefTarget elements in gfm format.

Powerpoint Format

  • (#8667): Fix regression with FloatRefTarget nodes in PPTX output.
  • (#9680, #9681): Fix issues with HTML tables parsed by Quarto when converting to powerpoint presentations.

Interactive Document

  • (#9208): code-link is ignored in engine: knitr interactive documents with server: shiny. This is because of a limitation from R package downlit when processing shiny pre-rendered document.


  • (#6779): Add support for logo-href and logo-alt in sidebar (books and websites)
  • (#7318): Don’t improperly overwrite page titles
  • (#8108): Individual pages can suppress breadcrumbs using bread-crumbs: false
  • (#8132): Properly escape urls in the sitemap.
  • (#8267): Improve responsive layout of page-footer
  • (#8294): Add support for website announcements, using the announcement key under website.
  • (#8426): Ignore invalid dates for references when generating Google Scholar data.
  • (#8544): Fix about page layout when using an id to provide contents.
  • (#8588): Fix display of bread-crumbs on pages with banner style title blocks.
  • (#8830): Add support for tools-collapse to control whether the tools collapse when the navbar does.
  • (#8851): Don’t strip index.html from external paths.
  • (#8904): Flip order of page and website title on websites, cf WCAG 2.4.2.
  • (#8977): Don’t decorate about links within external link icons.
  • (#8986): Search: only build subfuse index when it’s safe to do so.
  • (#9356): Don’t process column classes for figures inside the About divs.
  • (#9524): Fix canonical URL generation for website pages.
  • (#9781): Correctly hide elements from click event in collapsed margin sidebar.
  • (#8987): Fix issue with shortcode expansion in website titles.
  • Sidebar navigation item now correctly supports rel attribute.
  • target attribute for sidebar navigation items is now correctly inserted with HTML escapes.


  • (#8737): Fix issue in page-footer when url are used in href for book’s configuration.
  • (#8814): Fix issue with bibliography field using urls in book’s configuration.
  • (#9269): Fix issue with icons in download dropdown for multiple book formats.


  • (#8327): Issue error messages on console so they’re visible in the case of hidden OJS cells.
  • (#8372): Fix issue with OJS cells not being properly hidden in Hugo output when output: false.


  • (#8539): Support for Typst theorems and their ilk via typst-theorems.
  • (#9619): Typst CSS - for a small set of elements and properties, Quarto will translate the CSS property to a Typst property. This is especially useful for processed HTML tables and <pre>s.
  • (#9293): Add toc-indent to control indentation of entries in the table of contents.
  • (#9671): Reimplement typst subfloats to fix subfloat counters.
  • (#9694): Fix default callout (::: callout ... :::) in Typst.
  • (#9722): Resolve data URI images in Typst.
  • (#9555): Text elements in Typst are internationalized.
  • (#9887): Use correct supplement for div floats in Typst.
  • (#9972): Fix crashes with unnumbered sections.
  • (#8797, #10086): Tables should be centered in cell output.
  • (#9857): id-less figures inside another figure should be treated the same as FloatRefTarget and get lettered
  • (#9885): Turn off Typst CSS with css-property-parsing: none, default translate.
  • (#10055): Enable html-pre-tag-processing with a fenced div, disable it in metadata with none.
  • (#10075): Bring quarto create templates for Typst up-to-date with the format.
  • (#10123): Warn when unsupported caption location is used, and default to bottom.
  • Upgrade Typst to 0.11.0
  • Upgrade the Typst template to draw tables without grid lines by default, in accordance with latest Pandoc.


  • (#4802): Change name of temporary input notebook to avoid accidental overwriting.
  • (#8433): Escape jupyter widget states that contain </script> so they can be embedded in HTML documents.
  • When searching for kernelspecs that match python, prefer one one that matches an active Python venv.
  • (#8454): Allow Jupyter engine to handle markdown files with mixed-case extensions.
  • (#8919): Ensure enough backticks in quarto convert from .ipynb to .qmd files.
  • (#8998): Interpret slide separation markers --- correctly when creating the .ipynb intermediate notebook from a .qmd file.
  • (#9056): Fix issue with extra columns in format: dashboard and Jupyter notebooks.
  • (#9133): Fix issue with Jupyter engine when using paths containing special characters.
  • (#9255): Support cell source fields of type string.
  • (#9422): Improve the stream merging algorithm in output cells to avoid merging outputs that should not be merged.
  • (#9536): Provide traceback when available in Jupyter error outputs.
  • (#9470): Fix images rendered by the Jupyter engine to be displayed with the same dimensions as those in notebooks.
  • (#5413): Fix issue with Jupyter engine cells and images with captions containing newlines.
  • (#9896): Fix an issue with executing notebook with no kernelspec metadata yet.

Website Listings

  • (#8147): Ensure that listings don’t include the contents of the output directory
  • (#8435): Improve listing filtering using special characters
  • (#8627): Localize the text that appears as placeholder in listing filters.
  • (#8715): Listings should respect image: false
  • (#8860): Don’t show duplicate author names.
  • (#9030): Warn (rather than error) when listing globs produce an empty listing (as this is permissable).
  • (#9447): Add support for the boolean image-lazy-loading option to enable lazy loading of images in listings (default: true).
  • (#9845): image-placeholder now correctly works when multiple listings are used.


  • (#8277): Improve notebook ordering within Manuscript projects
  • (#8974): Fix theorem rendering in Manuscript projects


  • (#8385): Properly copy project resources when extensions are installed at project level.
  • (#8547): Support installing extensions from github branch with forward slash in the name.
  • (#9918): format-resources can use explicit Quarto glob syntax, e.g. format-resources: dir/**/* to copy all files in dir and its subdirectories to input root, but use format-resources: dir to copy dir and its contents to input root.
  • (#9948): New extension type: metadata. Example use case: support pre-render and post-render script lists in project metadata.


  • (#8316): Add fallback value for the env shortcode.
  • (#9011): embed shortcode now renders the embedded document without error when it is using knitr engine and have some outputs with HTML dependencies.
  • (#9635): Respect {shortcodes=false} when resolving include shortcodes.
  • (#9664): Add placeholder shortcode to produce placeholder images.
  • (#9665): Fix issue with key-value arguments of shortcode handlers in code contexts.
  • (#9793): embed shortcode now correctly retrieve svg image from embdedded cell.
  • (#9903): Allow shortcode resolution inside element attributes (currently headers, divs, spans, images, links). Currently, this requires attributes to be specified with single quotes, see issue for details.


  • (#8417): Maintain a single AST element in the output cells when parsing HTML from RawBlock elements.
  • (#8582): Improve the algorithm for extracting table elements from HTML RawBlock elements.
  • (#8770): Handle inconsistently-defined float types and identifier names more robustly in HTML tables.
  • (#9862): Fix crash with labeled tables in cells with eval: false and echo: false.
  • (#10100): Fix crash with empty div containing the filename attribute.


  • (#8388): add QUARTO_PROJECT_ROOT and QUARTO_DOCUMENT_PATH to the environment when invoking execution engines.

Article Layout

  • (#8614): Don’t improperly forward column classes onto grids.


  • (#9308): Improved error message when trying to publish to Github pages with quarto publish gh-pages.
  • (#9585): Improved quarto publish gh-pages workflow when existing gh-pages branch is present or problem with the remote repository.

quarto inspect

  • (#8451): quarto inspect now validates documents and will throw an error if the document is invalid.
  • (#8939): quarto inspect now takes an additional optional parameter to specify the output file, and provides the graph of include dependencies for the inspection target.
  • (#9264): quarto inspect now provides information about the code cells in the inspection target.

quarto check

  • quarto check now checks a minimal version of Typst and prints the version, to aid with troubleshooting.

quarto typst

  • (#9106): Do not allow quarto typst update.

Quarto’s input format

  • Quarto now supports raw block and raw inline elements of types pandoc-native and pandoc-json, and will use Pandoc’s native and json reader to convert these elements to Pandoc’s AST. This is useful in situations where emitting Markdown is not sufficient or convient enough to express the desired structure of a document.

Lua filters

  • (#9572): Add quarto.config.cli_path() in Quarto LUA to return the path to the Quarto CLI executable of the installation running the Lua script in quarto context.
  • (#9691): Provide default Attr object to quarto.Tabset constructor.
  • (#9696): Don’t use .hidden in data-qmd scaffolds.

Other Fixes and Improvements

  • (#6945): Allow classes: plain to disable the default treatment of computataional tables in code cells.
  • (#8119): More intelligently detect when ejs templates are modified during development, improving quality of life during preview.
  • (#8177): Use an explicit path to sysctl when detecting MacOS architecture. (author: @kevinushey)
  • (#8274): set LUA_CPATH to ’’ if unset, avoiding accidentally loading incompatible system-wide libraries.
  • (#8401): Ensure that files created with quarto create <project_name> have lowercase filenames.
  • (#8438): Ensure that sub commands properly support logging control flags (e.g. --quiet, etc).
  • (#8422): Improve dashboard validation and sauto-completion support for external tools
  • (#8486): Improve arrow theme differentation of Keywords and Control Flow elements
  • (#8524): Improve detection of R environment which configuring Binder using ‘quarto use’. Check for lock files, pre and post render scripts that use R.
  • (#8540): Allow title to be specifed separately when creating a project
  • (#8652): Make code cell detection in IDE tooling consistent across editor modes.
  • (#8779): Resolve shortcode includes before engine and target determination.
  • (#8873): Don’t overwrite supporting files when creating a project.
  • (#8937): Fix unix launcher script to properly handle spaces in the path to the quarto executable.
  • (#8898): .deb and .tar.gz bundle contents are now associated to root user and group instead of default user and group for CI build runners.
  • (#9041): When creating an automatic citation key, replace spaces with underscores in inferred keys.
  • (#9059): quarto run now properly works on Windows with Lua scripts.
  • (#9282): Fix name clash in Lua local declarations for mediabag in bundled releases.
  • (#9394): Make template a required field in the about schema.
  • (#9426): Update crossref.lua filter to avoid crashes and hangs in documents with custom AST nodes.
  • (#9460): $valuebox-bg-{color} Sass variables, e.g. $valuebox-bg-primary, can now be set directly for custom value box background colors.
  • (#9492): Improve performance of quarto preview when serving resource files of the following formats: HTML, PDF, DOCX, and plaintext.
  • (#9496): Improve parsing error message from js-yaml when key:value is used together with key: value in the same YAML block.
  • (#9527): Add quarto.format and quarto.format.typst to Quarto’s public Lua filter API.
  • (#9547): Fix issue with quarto preview and resources found in URLs with hash and search fragments.
  • (#9550): Don’t crash when subcaptions are incorrectly specified with fig-subcap: true but no embedded subcaptions.
  • (#9652): Allow --output-dir to refer to absolute paths in quarto render.
  • (#9701): Fix issue with callouts with non-empty titles that have no string content.
  • (#9724): Force-align text in floats of type Listing to the left.
  • (#9727): lightbox: do not overwrite window.onload events.
  • (#9792): Fix a 1.5 regression where freeze would be accidentally triggered in single-file renders.
  • (#10003): fix Giscus light/dark theme YAML example in schema where theme is missing.
  • Add support for Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sagittis posuere ligula sit amet lacinia. Duis dignissim pellentesque magna, rhoncus congue sapien finibus mollis. Ut eu sem laoreet, vehicula ipsum in, convallis erat. Vestibulum magna sem, blandit pulvinar augue sit amet, auctor malesuada sapien. Nullam faucibus leo eget eros hendrerit, non laoreet ipsum lacinia. Curabitur cursus diam elit, non tempus ante volutpat a. Quisque hendrerit blandit purus non fringilla. Integer sit amet elit viverra ante dapibus semper. Vestibulum viverra rutrum enim, at luctus enim posuere eu. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Nunc ac dignissim magna. Vestibulum vitae egestas elit. Proin feugiat leo quis ante condimentum, eu ornare mauris feugiat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris cursus laoreet ex, dignissim bibendum est posuere iaculis. Suspendisse et maximus elit. In fringilla gravida ornare. Aenean id lectus pulvinar, sagittis felis nec, rutrum risus. Nam vel neque eu arcu blandit fringilla et in quam. Aliquam luctus est sit amet vestibulum eleifend. Phasellus elementum sagittis molestie. Proin tempor lorem arcu, at condimentum purus volutpat eu. Fusce et pellentesque ligula. Pellentesque id tellus at erat luctus fringilla. Suspendisse potenti.Etiam maximus accumsan gravida. Maecenas at nunc dignissim, euismod enim ac, bibendum ipsum. Maecenas vehicula velit in nisl aliquet ultricies. Nam eget massa interdum, maximus arcu vel, pretium erat. Maecenas sit amet tempor purus, vitae aliquet nunc. Vivamus cursus urna velit, eleifend dictum magna laoreet ut. Duis eu erat mollis, blandit magna id, tincidunt ipsum. Integer massa nibh, commodo eu ex vel, venenatis efficitur ligula. Integer convallis lacus elit, maximus eleifend lacus ornare ac. Vestibulum scelerisque viverra urna id lacinia. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean eget enim at diam bibendum tincidunt eu non purus. Nullam id magna ultrices, sodales metus viverra, tempus turpis.Duis ornare ex ac iaculis pretium. Maecenas sagittis odio id erat pharetra, sit amet consectetur quam sollicitudin. Vivamus pharetra quam purus, nec sagittis risus pretium at. Nullam feugiat, turpis ac accumsan interdum, sem tellus blandit neque, id vulputate diam quam semper nisl. Donec sit amet enim at neque porttitor aliquet. Phasellus facilisis nulla eget placerat eleifend. Vestibulum non egestas eros, eget lobortis ipsum. Nulla rutrum massa eget enim aliquam, id porttitor erat luctus. Nunc sagittis quis eros eu sagittis. Pellentesque dictum, erat at pellentesque sollicitudin, justo augue pulvinar metus, quis rutrum est mi nec felis. Vestibulum efficitur mi lorem, at elementum purus tincidunt a. Aliquam finibus enim magna, vitae pellentesque erat faucibus at. Nulla mauris tellus, imperdiet id lobortis et, dignissim condimentum ipsum. Morbi nulla orci, varius at aliquet sed, facilisis id tortor. Donec ut urna nisi.Aenean placerat luctus tortor vitae molestie. Nulla at aliquet nulla. Sed efficitur tellus orci, sed fringilla lectus laoreet eget. Vivamus maximus quam sit amet arcu dignissim, sed accumsan massa ullamcorper. Sed iaculis tincidunt feugiat. Nulla in est at nunc ultricies dictum ut vitae nunc. Aenean convallis vel diam at malesuada. Suspendisse arcu libero, vehicula tempus ultrices a, placerat sit amet tortor. Sed dictum id nulla commodo mattis. Aliquam mollis, nunc eu tristique faucibus, purus lacus tincidunt nulla, ac pretium lorem nunc ut enim. Curabitur eget mattis nisl, vitae sodales augue. Nam felis massa, bibendum sit amet nulla vel, vulputate rutrum lacus. Aenean convallis odio pharetra nulla mattis consequat. shortcode, which is useful for emitting placeholder text. Provide a specific number of paragraphs (Nulla eget cursus ipsum. Vivamus porttitor leo diam, sed volutpat lectus facilisis sit amet. Maecenas et pulvinar metus. Ut at dignissim tellus. In in tincidunt elit. Etiam vulputate lobortis arcu, vel faucibus leo lobortis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. In interdum orci ac est euismod euismod. Nunc eleifend tristique risus, at lacinia odio commodo in. Sed aliquet ligula odio, sed tempor neque ultricies sit amet.Etiam quis tortor luctus, pellentesque ante a, finibus dolor. Phasellus in nibh et magna pulvinar malesuada. Ut nisl ex, sagittis at sollicitudin et, sollicitudin id nunc. In id porta urna. Proin porta dolor dolor, vel dapibus nisi lacinia in. Pellentesque ante mauris, ornare non euismod a, fermentum ut sapien. Proin sed vehicula enim. Aliquam tortor odio, vestibulum vitae odio in, tempor molestie justo. Praesent maximus lacus nec leo maximus blandit.Maecenas turpis velit, ultricies non elementum vel, luctus nec nunc. Nulla a diam interdum, faucibus sapien viverra, finibus metus. Donec non tortor diam. In ut elit aliquet, bibendum sem et, aliquam tortor. Donec congue, sem at rhoncus ultrices, nunc augue cursus erat, quis porttitor mauris libero ut ex. Nullam quis leo urna. Donec faucibus ligula eget pellentesque interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean rhoncus interdum erat ut ultricies. Aenean tempus ex non elit suscipit, quis dignissim enim efficitur. Proin laoreet enim massa, vitae laoreet nulla mollis quis.).
  • Resolve data URIs in Pandoc’s mediabag when rendering documents.
  • Increase v8’s max heap size by default, to avoid out-of-memory errors when rendering large documents (also cf.
  • When running quarto check from a development build (from a git repository), show the git commit hash in addition to the version string.
  • Upgrade Deno to 1.41.0
  • quarto install tinytex will now try to set the default CTAN repository to the nearest mirror resolved from
  • quarto render --to native now works without triggering rmarkdown error about non HTML output when HTML dependencies are present in the knitr engine cell results.
  • Missing tabsets configuration for HTML documents has now been added in the YAML schema for validation and autocompletion. This boolean value controls the inclusion of tabsets in the document (e.g when minimal: true is set).


  • (#10141): Swiss German translation for Quarto UI text (credit: @rastrau)